Monday, December 3, 2012

Grace of Social Media

Social media has been the main effect of many celebrities one of the main starlets I can think of is Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay has been the epitome of how being caught in a club doing something scandalous can play a major role in your life. After being caught on camera and photos being drunk and probably high on some substances, Lindsay was being displayed in every part of social media. From websites constantly showing her every step, and the way she would practically set herself up. Lindsay was pretty much doomed with the social media thing from day one.

Another star who’s suffered from social media is Britney Spears. Miss Spears was not always in the news for bad things. She became famous as a teen star, fast forward years and years later. She is a mother of two and was going through a pretty crazy divorce from then husband Kevin Federline.  To say Britney went crazy after that is an understatement. The social media would catch Britney hanging out with the likes of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan while going out partying and being caught without underwear on. Yikes. Tmz would pretty much stalk Britney’s entire life, following her every move. Thankfully, a stint in rehab would reshape Brit’s life together since as of now she’s as healthy and normal as ever.

The next star on my list would have to be Chris Brown. To say social media has been an influence in his life would pretty much define him. As we all know the infamous incident between Then (or I guess you can even say now) girlfriend Rihanna. I’m pretty sure I don’t have to go into detail what happened. So, yeah social media places from Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. People would express how much they truly dislike Brown. Anything from hate messages to death threats (bit much). Although I can’t say he didn’t bring attention to himself like when he busted out a window after an interview on ‘’Good morning America’’. Either way social media has definitely been a great part of his life.

You can’t really have a scandalous list without Lady Gaga. Now, even though I don’t really think Gaga has done anything too scandalous (at least not yet). Gaga has definitely brought tons of social media attention to herself. The woman has made being and acting weird some type of trend. Let’s face it; many celebs more than likely based their new found weird dressing style off of Gaga. Not to mention how much she has inspired so many of her fans through Twitter and Facebook. She has definitely saved many lives with her inspirational style.

My last celeb I am exposing will be the infamous Kardashians family. Normally when a not so famous celeb puts out a sex tape it gets talked about for about a month or two, defining the whole fifteen minutes of fame quote. But to say this family has token fifteen minutes to a whole two hours would be an understatement. These people are arguably the most talked about family in the world. This is pretty sad to admit, I don’t condone sex tapes. But if it gets you this famous then I say take it and shoot to the stars like the Kardashians have done.

1 comment:

  1. Every thing that you have said, I agree with. Social media and technology is really taking over.
