Monday, November 19, 2012

American Music Awards 2012 Redux

Last night held the 40th anniversary of the American Music Awards at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Even though the AMA’s are one those less cared about award shows, there was quite chatter about it.  So, of course I just had to give my humble opinion on how good or bad I thought it was.

We kicked the show off with the award for best pop/rock male artist. The award would wind up going to absolute no one’s surprise Justin Bieber. Something that really stood out in Bieber’s acceptance speech was this quote he made “I want to say this is for all the haters who thought I was just here for one or two years. I feel like I'm going to be here for a very long time”, I’m never too fond of when celebrities use the word ‘’hater’’ but I will just pretend as if he just didn't say it. 

The next award of the night was for best female country artist, and once again not to anyone’s surprise Taylor Swift would win. I’ve never had a problem with Taylor, but she always does this thing when she wins awards where she puts on the most shocking facial expressions. After a while you should really be use to winning awards, and not acting like an eight year old who just won an award for perfect attendance. Nonetheless from what I hear this is her eleventh AMA award. So next year Taylor, please don’t act so shocked.

Nicki Minaj would win the award for best rap/hip hop album. Personally I could care less about Minaj, although you can’t deny her rather large fan base. But, if you notice how the awards are going pretty much all the winners tonight have large fan bases. Then again I guess that’s what happens when you let little kids choose whose the best ‘’talent’’.

Moving on to other important things about the show, the performances! Taylor Swift would perform a song from what I would assume is off of her new album ‘’Red’’ called ‘’I Knew You Were Trouble’’.  All I can truly remember about her performance is that she changed more than once, next.

Speaking of a major wardrobe change, Christina Aguilera went from a Lotus flower to trailer trash in literally one minute and twenty five seconds. I guess that would take talent, right? Any who Justin Bieber would sing an acoustic version of his song ‘’As Long As You Love Me’’ and I didn’t know what was going on because as he was singing his face was turning red. Well, he also performed some song with Nicki Minaj as they were even awkwardly grinding on one another on stage.

  Nicki would also perform a new song of hers called ‘’Freedom’’ where she resembled the Abominable Snowman.

Luckily not every performance were about flashy outfits and sexual dancing. Stevie Wonder gave a touching tribute to Dick Clark, and Kelly Clarkson did a pretty good medley containing songs from her entire career. But, there were a lot of performers who sounded just down right horrific singing live. It started right off gate, with Usher who sounded like he was singing from a bottom of a well. Poor little Carly Rae Jepsen just had absolutely no stage presence what so ever.

The top performance of the night in my opinion had to go to Pink, who creatively reenacted the entire video of her song ‘’Try’’. The performance was just so ballsy and daring something you don’t see in most pop singers these days.

I strongly feel she should’ve had the most buzzed about performance. But yet, we still had Psy’s collaboration with MC Hammer of all people who I sadly feel got the most attention. If you haven’t heard ‘’Gangnam Style’’ then you would not really know who or what I’m even talking about and I refuse to explain.

The biggest shocker of the night had to be Carly Rae Jepsen beating out One Direction for best new artist. In fact One Direction lost all three of their nominations, life’s rough. Bieber was the man of the night. Winning all three of the awards he was nominated for including artist of the year. Welp, I can only imagine how discouraging it may be for the other artists nominated to have to lose artist of the year to Justin Bieber of all people. I will give him credit for closing his speech on rather positive note for mentioning how his date was his mom. The only problem was he didn’t close the show, Psy and MC Hammer did.
 Nonetheless the awards are in the history books whether you love it or hate it. Personally I disliked it, from the performances to the awards. Everything just felt like a huge mess. In fact pretty much all the awards shows this year felt like a mess. I can only hope things will go up from here.

All photos courtesy of

1 comment:

  1. i also think that pink did a good job on her performances.She put alot of love and hard work in to her song and nailed it.
