Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2012's Most Fascinating People

Every year journalist Barbara Walters conducts a list of 10 of the most fascinating people. This year’s special will air next month, and for it Walters will also sit down with "Fifty Shades of Grey" writer EL James, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Olympian Gabby Douglas, "Argo" director Ben Affleck, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Seth McFarlane, who will not only host the Oscars in 2013 but also stormed the box office with his comedy "Ted." Walters will reveal the final three, including her most fascinating person, when the 90-minute special airs on December 12 on ABC at 9:30 ET. Last year, Katy Perry, the Kardashians, and Simon Cowell all made the cut. So tune in if you want to see who will be deemed the fascinating person of 2012, I know I will.


  1. I still can't believe she interviewed the Kardashians. I really don't think they are interesting at all.


    1. Apparently in this day and age, having no talent can be looked at as ''fascinating''.

  2. Fascinating according to Webster is for something to be Extremely interesting..in this day & age what interests us are unfortunately ALL the wrong things..but w/o people's fascination "War...Hunger..poverty etc..would simply be the Norm..respect fascination respect the urge that particular thing that you cant help but think about...let it lead to obsession..for me WORDS are exactly that a fascination that has taken a hold of me...
