Friday, November 2, 2012

About my blog......

In case some of you were wondering what exactly I would be bringing to the table with my blog you shall read on and find out. My blog will not be about personal struggles or expressing how much I want to marry the woman of my dreams. Instead my blog will be about the better things in life. For example you will be able to catch reviews on music, movies, and the great thing known as television. You will definitely be able to catch things from the news, hollywood scene, politics, and the school hallways. Beware though young ones at times you may see words in my blogs that you may not understand. Read away children and may God bless you all............

1 comment:

  1. (Even the blacks)...I'm attracted at first glance..(first sentence)....unfortunately literature has been slimming for young writers of ALL colors (even the blacks) but I will Undoubtedly continue to read your blog...(applaud)YOU...everyone who reads your work..& leaves their words here & let it fester...words only get better with time...Literature is indeed a RELIGION...
