Monday, November 5, 2012

American Horror Story Redux: "Nor'easter"

American Horror Story was never really a show that I could even imagine would attract me. But, I must say the show is pretty darn interesting. Have you have ever seen those YouTube videos of random animals giving birth? Yes. It's exactly like that. Creepy and disturbing yet interesting and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. And this week's episode pretty much described just that. As if the institution for the "criminally insane" weren't bad enough for using corporal punishment to "cure" inmates for violating social mores, a wicked nor'easter literally brings out the devil in Sister Eunice -- and her cohorts at the asylum. During Wednesday's American Horror Story, Lily Rabe's gentle nun was revealed to be the devil in disguise, as she murders one of the more religious inmates, stabbing her repeatedly with a scissors and taking her remains into the forest near the facility and feeding one of Dr. Arden's (James Cromwell) creatures. As if that weren't enough, she's also having fun psychologically torturing Sister Jude (Jessica Lange) for the 1949 hit and run that prompted her to give up booze and devote her life to the church. After Jude confronts Arden about Eunice presents her with a tube of her old lipstick, Jude and Arden clash, with the screwy doc deeming Eunice as being "corrupted" by Briarcliff. All in all this week's episode was pretty sadistic. Look out for next week's episode (I sure will) as you can also find another recap from yours truly. Until then, Randolph Out!

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