Friday, April 12, 2013

McDonald's Apologizes for Unapproved Ad That Mocks Mental Illness PSAs

Last month, Ford made headlines for an allegedly unapproved ad featuring Silvio Berlusconi with a trunk full of gagged, hog tied, and crying women. The ad, found as a poster on the Boston metro, parodied mental health and depression PSAs: "You're not alone. Million of people love the Big Mac," the ad reads, next to the photo of a crying woman and an 800-number that connects to McDonald's corporate office. The McDonald's advertisement in question is part of a larger, unapproved, campaign that pokes fun at stereotypical subway ads. The personal injuries lawyer ad promises to "get you the sausage you deserve." The continuing education spoof reads, "It's never too late for an Angus Bacon Cheese."
Oh, McDonalds.

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